


I want to apologize in advance for any grammatical or philosophical loopyness contained in this blog post. I had a stubborn wisdom tooth pulled two days ago and am still dealing with a good bit of pain and, hence, medication.

But there have been some things that have been on my heart/mind the last little bit that I wanted to try to express.

2020 has been some year, no doubt. And as it counts it down, I’ve had a little bit of a chance to reflect, and I’m going to try to shed some light in what’s been an eerily dark tunnel for many of us . . .

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Well long time, no blog, eh?

I want to say Happy New Year, and provide an update on where things are as far as my life and my writing.

2019 was been a whirlwind of a year that began with recovering from back surgery and tinkering—seriously, for the first time—with the idea of going to law school. The year ended with a couple strong workouts and first semester grades that I’m really proud of. . .