


Controversy sells.

This is bad for artists, bad for writers, bad for people trying to share their creation.

Unless of course, your creation is controversy. . . Then you’re in luck.

Social media algorithms have a lot of us confounded. The fact is, I can post a nothing picture of my face and get a certain number of likes and interactions.

I get way more if I post a picture of my dog’s face (but seriously… LOOK at that face) . . .



My vision for the world of Jesse Barrow grew out of some close friendships, two friends in particular who grew up in rural Alabama. Now, obviously these close friends weren’t around in 1911 rural Alabama, but as someone who studies history, I’ve always been fascinated by how our past affects our present. And the older I’ve become, the more I’ve been fascinated by how our present informs how we view our past, which then, paradoxically, informs our present. Both the past and the present can distort the truth . . .



Hey everyone!

I wanted to tell you a quick story because we’re unveiling the cover of my novel “The Wages of Grace” TOMORROW!

So, two artists and a rabbi walk into a bar . . .

Ok, maybe there was no rabbi. There could have been, but I’d doubt it.

One artist was my mom.

One artist was a guy I’d never heard of in my life named Derik Hobbs . . .


Well, it certainly has been a while, hasn't it?

I am so grateful for the positive response I've received to the release of Camino Real (get it on Amazon). Releasing your work "into the wild," so-to-speak, can be terrifying, but it's the point of it all, I suppose. Anyway, thank you for your kind comments & reviews...


This may sound like a weird thing to say, but, I do my best not to argue with my characters. I’ve finished my first novel, The Wages of Grace (coming January 2017!), and I must admit, if it’s nothing else, it’s honest.

I had a few trusted people read the manuscript when I was done with the first proper edit, and I had a lot of good suggestions. I took them all to heart and some I even implemented. However, when it came to character’s motivations or specific things they did that maybe didn’t seem to fit their profile, I was really torn. Some of the suggestions were very good. They were rational and made sense. They just didn’t feel right, though.